
A smart solution for all your document needs.

Effortless document management, anytime, anywhere. Say goodbye to document chaos, hello to organization.
PDF Web editor

Elevate your PDF tools

Edi's PDF tools allows users to view, annotate, insert (and more) pdf files on the fly. Previewing, merging and sending has never been easier.


Add notes, highlights, shapes or comments to a PDF document.

Fill & Sign

Fill out and sign PDF forms electronically with enhanced security.


Find specific words or phrases within a PDF document seamlessly.
Coming soon

Streamline your workflow with our client sharing portal

Allow clients to access and share documents and other information with Edi's Client Sharing Portal
File sharing: Allow clients to upload and download documents and other files to facilitate the sharing of information and resources securely.
Data management: Provide a secure location for clients to store and manage sensitive data, such as financial or personal information.
Collaboration: Allow clients to access and share documents to facilitate collaboration and ensure that everyone has the information they need to complete tasks.
feature 5

Integrate with the best tools in the market

Don't waste time switching between multiple tools to manage your email campaigns. Bring them all together.
Sketch let you control who can access each of your collections.
Framer let you control who can access each of your collections.
Figma let you control who can access each of your collections.
Github let you control who can access each of your collections.